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Gastrointestinal Stromal Cell Tumor (GIST) Presenting as an Abdomino-pelvic Tumor
Case Presentations: In first case a 50 years old woman presented with irregular bleeding per vaginum, intermittent right lower abdominal pain and urinary frequency over the preceding 4
months. Physical examination and imaging studies revealed a pelvic mass of 18-week-gestational size. An exploratory laparotomy showed a huge fragile pelvic tumor, measuring 20 × 20 cm, arising from the jejunum. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed the presence of CD-117. In second case an 53-year-old, postmenopausal, woman presented with abdominal fullness and constipation for the preceding 3-4 days. Physical examination and imaging studies revealed a huge pelvic mass, suggestive of a cystic degenerated myoma. An exploratory laparotomy revealed a large tumor originating from the ileum.
Conclusion: Gynecologists should keep in mind the possibility of non gynaecological tumors (GISTs) in the differential diagnosis in pelvic tumors.