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Attitude of Nurses in Mulago Hospital Burns Unit to HIV/AIDS Burns Patients
Methods: This study was carried out to assess the attitude of Nurses working in burns units to HIV/AIDS burns patients. In a cross sectional descriptive studies 41 questionnaires were distributed among nurses working in the unit and only 30 questionnaires were filled and returned.
Result: 87.5% believed the prevalence of HIV was high in Uganda 68.8% said they could be infected while taking care of the patient , 100% that all burns patients should be screened for HIV. 37.5% believed knowledge of the HIV status would affect the professional duty to them but would still dress with precautions.
Conclusion/Recommendations: There is need to educate and teach nurses to adhere to the universal precaution against blood born diseases as a matter of routine and not only in those that turn out HIV positive.