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Referral of Surgical Patients Abroad: A 5-years Review from a Tertiary Teaching Hospital in Addis Ababa Ethiopia

E Teffera
B Lemma
BL Wamisho


Background: The general objective of this review was to determine the reasons for referral abroad of surgical patients at Addis Ababa University Medical Faculty, Tikur Anbassa Hospital

Methods: The referral slips of patients who were referred abroad from September 2005 – August 2009 by surgical Department were collected and reviewed.

Results: The study reviewed a total of 331 patents in the 5 year period mentioned. An average of 66 patients was referred per year. There was an over all male preponderance 183(55.3 %), majority of patients were in the age group 26 - 50 years (173).Most were residents from the Capital, 232 (70 %). Neoplastic diseases both benign and malignant account for 155 cases. Primary brain tumors either malignant or benign account for 74 cases. 97 of the cases had at least one surgical intervention done prior to referral. The overall trend is showing some decrement. The main reason for referral was for better surgical intervention (249). Referral for MRI which accounted for 16 of the referrals in the first 2 years was virtually non existent in the next 3 years.

Conclusion: Most cases were form the capital, Neurosurgical cases have been referred more than any other subspecialties, neoplastic changes constitute the main reason for referral, and the overall trend seems decreasing along the course.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2073-9990
print ISSN: 1024-297X