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The prevalence overexpression of C-Erbb-2 oncoprotein in carcinoma of the Prostate-Mulago Hospital
Objective: To determine the prevalence of over expression of C-erbB-2 oncoprotein receptor using Immunohistochemistry in Mulago Hospital.
Material and Methods: Biopsy samples were taken from patients suspected to have prostate cancer convectional histology (Hand E) done. The tumours in the Confirmed slides were then graded as well differentiated, moderately differentiated and poorly differentiated. Immunohistochemistry staining was done using avidin-biotin method. To standardize the staining, the manufacturer (DAKO) supplied both positive and negative control. A well defined scoring system based upon the number of C-erbB-2 on the cell surface was applied. The score ranges from score 0 to +3, over expression is defined as score equal or greater than +2.
Results: over expression was seen in 18 out of 40 cases. Stastistically there was no association between histological grades and over expression. But most of the patients that over expressed CerbB-2 were either moderately differentiated or poorly differentiate 14 of the 18 positive cases.
Conclusion and Recommendation: Immunohistochemistry which is cheap and easy to use can be used in our setting to analyse the level of C-erbB-2. Its important that long term follow up of the patients with over expression is needed to further ascertain if this outcome is deemed significant.