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Practices of Makerere University students during anatomy dissection
Methods : This was a cross-sectional descriptive survey with a qualitative component on two cohorts of 305-second year health professional students on what they do during anatomy dissection practical.
Results:The overall response rate was 26.9%. Of the 82 respondents, 35 (42.7%) reported that they only observed the dissection, 25 (31.7%) read the manuals, 20 (24.4%) had actual hands on dissection and one (1.2%) had never dissected. Significantly less male students read the manuals as opposed to doing the hands on dissection (0.18, P=0.0007). The interviews highlighted some of the reasons behind the students preferred roles.
Conclusion: The students’ responses highlight differences between institutional expectations of dissection and the actual student practices. Specific roles like reading the manual and dissecting show significant sexual bias. There is a need to examine of the institutional definition of dissection in relation to its low resource settings.