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Hydrocoele: A Silent Disability Affecting Quality of Life in Katakwi District in Uganda

N Kakembo
S Kirunda
J Yiga
I Kikwabanga


Background: Katakwi district is one of the rural districts in eastern Uganda in Teso Sub Region. The district is heavily infested with filarial worms a major cause for hydrocoele and elephantiasis if the infection is left  untreated. Hydrocoele in Katakwi district are still a big cause of silent morbidity though it’s an operable condition with good outcome. Individuals affected with large hydrocoele are socially withdrawn, with inability to walk and work, leading to severe poverty to the extent that they cannot afford to pay for surgery and basic needs in their lives This is also associated with a negative impact on their sexual lives with broken marriages
Methods: Between 12th and 16th August 2013, a surgical camp was  organized in Teso Sub Region during which free surgery was offered to patients suffering from surgical conditions.
Results: A total of 400 patients reported and were screened. Of these, 90 patients were booked for surgery but only 57 patients were operated during the camp. Their ages ranged from 5 to 75 years, of the 57 patients who were operated on, 23 had hydrocoele 5 of them presenting with had bilateral hydrocoele while 3 patients had concurrent hydrocoele and hernia.
Conclusion: The prevalence of hydrocoele in Katakwi district is high and it’s a big ccausese of silent morbidity and disability’

Key words: Hydrocoele, Surgical camp

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2073-9990
print ISSN: 1024-297X