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Quality evaluation of oxytetracycline injection and water soluble powder veterinary products marketed in Nairobi City, Kenya

Shakina Y. Otieno
Abdinasir A. Mohamed
Hannington N. Mugo
Kennedy O Abuga


The antibiotic oxytetracycline is extensively applied in veterinary medicine in
diverse formulations including injectable solution, water soluble powder and
wound sprays. The drug is liable to degradation during processing and shelf life,
which may compromise its quality attributes. A survey on the quality of
oxytetracycline injection and water soluble powder products available in
agroveterinary (agrovet) and pharmacy stores in Nairobi city, Kenya was
carried out. Thirteen injectable and 11 water soluble powder samples were
subjected to British Pharmacopoeia and United States Pharmacopeia quality
specifications. Whereas all the injections complied with assay specifications, only
three complied with colour of solution and none complied with pH specification.
Furthermore, all water soluble powder samples failed the pH test, while two did
not comply with assay specifications. The results obtained demonstrate the
existence of substandard oxytetracycline products in the study area. Proper
adherence to good manufacturing and distribution practices as well as post
market surveillance studies are required to ensure optimal quality of veterinary
drugs in the market.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1026-552X