Introduction: Paediatric external hernias form a major part of a general surgeon’s workload in Nigeria. The epidemiological pattern and management of external abdominal hernias in children was examined in a referral center in the country. Methods: A two-year retrospective study of all external abdominal hernias that presented at Baptist Medical Center, Eku (BMCE) from January 1st 2004 to December 31st 2005 was done. Case notes of all children with external abdominal hernia seen in the center were retrieved and analyzed. Results: There were 37 cases of external hernias in children available for the study. 91.8% of these cases were male and 8.2% were female. 94.6% of the patients had inguinal hernias and the other varieties were relatively uncommon. 8 cases (22.86%) were obstructed and two of the obstructed hernias were strangulated. There was a single case (2.70%) of wound infection and no mortality was recorded in this series.
Conclusion: The pattern of external paediatric hernia in Baptist Medical Center, Eku was similar to other parts of the country. Early presentation and elective surgical management are recommended for improving treatment outcome. Improved public awareness of the condition and its potential complications will lead to earlier presentation and inclusion of hernia repair into existing child health programs will provide elective hernia repair in a wide scale.
Keywords: Paediatric hernia, Eku, Nigeria.