Ebonyi Medical Journal is published biannually (June and December) Prospective authors are invited to send manuscripts for consideration for publication in the EBONYI MEDICAL JOURNAL Manuscripts should be sent to: The Editor –in-chief Ebonyi Medical Journal C/O Office of the Chief Medical Director, Ebonyi State University Teaching Hospital P.M.B. 077, Abakaliki Ebonyi State Nigeria Tel 234-(0) 43-21887, 21890 e-mail ebsuthemj@yahoo.com Also send an advance copy as an e-mail attachment to the Editor at ebsuthemj@yahoo.com. CATEGORIES OF MANUSCRIPTS Original articles in the area of basic medical and clinical science (up to 5000words) should be presented thus. Abstract (not more than 250 works). Key words not more than five). Introduction Materials and Methods, Results. Discussion, Conclusions. Acknowledgment, References and Tables/figures Review articles case reports clinical trials brief communication cameo letter to editor, medical memoranda and book reviews can also be considered. GENERAL REQUIREMENT FOR PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPTS All manuscripts must be in triplicate, typed or word processed on one side only of A4 paper with double spacing and margins of not less than 4cm on top, bottom and sides. Number pages consecutively in the upper right hand corner from the title page. Title page (page 1) This should contain the Title of the paper, concise and suitable for indexing the authors (s) name (s) degree, department(s) and institution (s). the categories of the article e.g. original review case report cameo etc correspondence author and address including e_mail and phone contact five key words for indexing. Authors should retain a copy of their manuscript. A CD-ROM / DISKETTE COPY of the final version of article should be sent to the editor-in-chief on acceptance. Abstract page and key words (Page 2) Abstract should be structured and limited to 250 words for major regular articles, and to 50 words for case reports and brief communications etc and five key words for indexing Text (page 3 onwards) Introduction: State concisely the purpose and rationale for the study cite only the most relevant references as background. Materials and methods; describe briefly the plan, patients and or laboratory animals and controls, methods and procedures used and the statistical methods employed. Results, present the detailed findings. Refer to the tables and/ or figure. Emphasize only important observation. Avoid duplication of test and tables figures or other supporting materials. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. The full term for which any abbreviation stands must precede its first use in the text. Patients should be referred to by number to by number or figures, not by names or initials Unit measurement The metric system should be used in stating lengths height weights and volumes. Temperatures should be given degree Celsius. All quantitative measurement should be terms of the international system of units (SI) TABLES These should be typed doubled spaced with a heading each on a separate sheet. Each should include only essential information and number using roman numerals. Illustrations These should be high-contrast glossy prints. They should be referred to in the text as Fig 1,2,3, etc The name of the first author and the figure number should be written lightly in pencil on the reverse side. The orientation should be shown on the reverse side by marking the top with an arrow when colour illustrations are provided also send black and white gloss. Acknowledgement Acknowledge only colleagues who have made substantial contributions to the study and institution which have sponsored the study. References References must be listed in the order in which they appear in the manuscript. Arrangement of references should comply with the Vancouver style. Example Uko GP Gbadebo JA Banjoko SO. Carboxyhhaemoglobin levels in some Lagos dwellers-A pilot study W A J Med 1998, ;17(2):200-205. References to books should include (1) Surnames followed by initials of author(s) or editor (s) (2) Chapter (if relevant) and book title (3) edition volume etc (4) place (5) publisher (6) Year (7) page(s) referred to. COMMITMENTS All authors of a manuscript must sign an accompanying letter requesting consideration of the manuscript for publication. The corresponding authors must be indicated the Editor in Chief accepts each manuscript for consideration on the condition that the said manuscript has not been previously published anywhere, and was not currently being presented elsewhere for publication. ETHICAL ISSUES Articles on human experimentation must contain a statement that the author(s) have obtained written consent from the Ethics committee of the institution where the work reported on was carried out. In institution where an Ethics committee does not operate, the regulations of Helsinki declaration should be complied with and a statement to that effect made. Citation of date or illustration of other published work must be properly acknowledged REPRINTS Five reprints will be sent free of charge to the corresponding author. A minimum of additional 10 reprints must be applied for before publication of an article, and these will attract a charge of Two Thousand Naira

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