Abstract: Exporting has been one of the fastest growing economic activities consistently exceeding the rate of growth in world economic output since the 1970s. Yet, in Uganda, the majority of firms seem to be either ambivalent or negative towards exporting. The study attempts to measure corporate managers' international orientation and assess its influence on firm export performance. The study mainly uses discriminant analysis and multiple linear regression, which are suitable for predicting group membership and for determining influence between interval level variables, respectively. The international orientation of corporate managers shows to be high and significantly discriminates between exporting and non-exporting firms. However, firm-level export performance is very low. Also, the corporate managers' international orientation shows positive and significant influence on firm export performance but mediated by supply reliability in export markets and reduced delay to export. Enhancing product adaptation and use of foreign strategic partnerships by firms are pointed out as the most potentially useful areas of intervention.
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review Vol.XX(1) 2004: 27-50