1. Manuscript Size
The EASSRR publishes articles, book reviews and short communications. The maximum length of manuscripts to be submitted to the journal is twenty-five pages (double-spaced) for articles, and ten pages for book reviews. In exceptional cases, longer manuscripts may be considered at the discretion of the editors.
2. Abstracts
All articles should be accompanied by abstracts of not more than 100 words. Abstracts should briefly state the nature of the problem, the methodology, and the findings or conclusions. A list of not more than
five Keywords must be written immediately below the abstract.
3. Electronic and Hard Copies
In as far as possible, manuscripts should be submitted on a CD ROM (typeset using MS Word 6.0 or a later version) as well as in duplicate hard copies, typed double-spaced on only one side of A4 size paper, and with a margin of at least 3cm left on either side of the page.
4. Headings and Subheadings
4.1 If a manuscript has subsections, the following decimal notation should be used for numbering the headings and subheadings:
1. 2. 3.
1.1 2.1 3.1
1.2 2.2 3.2
4.2 However, authors are advised to avoid using more than three levels of subheadings unless the complexity of the argument warrants it.
5. Endnotes
5.1 Authors are advised to use endnotes rather than footnotes.
5.2 Endnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout each chapter or article, and placed at the end of a work, in a section titled “Notes”, after any appendix and before the reference list.
6. Text Citations
6.1 OSSREA uses the author-date system of citations in all of its publications. It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that author-date citations in the text agree exactly with corresponding entries in the reference list and that all the facts are accurate.
6.2 The author-date citation in a running text or at the end of a block
quotation consists of the author’s/editor’s last, or family name, and the year of publication. Examples:
 Author, year, page no.: (Anderson 1987, 22-25)
 Two sources, with one author having two works: (Emery 1999; Jenden 1978b)
 More than three authors/editors: (Kassoguè et al. 1996)
 Organisation, year, volume, page no.: (World Bank 1988, 2:47)
6.3 Citation and Documentation of Sources from the Internet.
Authors should first make a note for the quoted paragraph, which should be placed in quotation marks. For example:
According to Peter Burnell, “Today, Zambia’s situation resembles much more closely Sartori’s idea of a predominant system, where one party commands, alone and over time, the absolute majority of seats, than a ‘hegemonic system’.’’1
The documentation of sources in the References list or under “Endnotes” for materials cited from the Web should include the names of both primary
and secondary sources (website address, titles of the article and of the book/periodical), name(s) of the author/editor, as well as the date of access.
The entry under both the Endnotes and the References should thus be
1. Peter Burnell, 2001. The party system and party politics in Zambia: Continuities past, present and future. In African Affairs, 100, 239-263. Accessed on (date) from <http://afraf.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/100/399/239.pdf>(24 January 2007), Royal African Society.
7. References
7.1 The reference list must include all and only those sources cited in the text and in the notes.
7.2 The reference list should provide full bibliographic information on the cited sources and, where applicable, using the following order for books: (i) author/s, or editor/s if no author is listed; (ii) date; (iii) title; (iv) editor, if provided in addition to author; (vi) edition, if not the first one; (vii) volume/s; (viii) title of individual volume; (ix) series title; (x) city; (xi) publisher.
7.3 The details included in reference list entries for periodical articles are: (i) author’s name; (ii) year; (iii) title of article; (iv) title of periodical; (v) issue information (volume, issue number, month or season); (vi) page reference.
7.4 Titles of books, periodicals, plays, and long poems are italicised, whereas titles of book chapters, articles, short poems and the like are given in roman style without being enclosed in quotation marks. Unpublished works are not italicised.
7.5 Titles of periodicals are capitalised in headline style; all other titles in the reference list are capitalised in the sentence style, i.e. only the first letter of the first word in the title and subtitle, proper nouns and proper adjectives is capitalised.
7.6 Examples of reference entries:
Adams, M. N., and S. E. Kruppenbach. 1987. Gender and access in the African school. International Review of Education 33: 437-53.
Apollos, Francis, and Afi Yakubu. 1999. Revitalising traditional African approaches to peace building and reconciliation during an armed conflict. Paper presented at the All-Africa Conference on African Principles of Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation, Addis Ababa, 8-12 November.
Lardner, Susan. 1980. Third eye open. Review of The salt eaters, by Tony Cade Bambra. New Yorker, 5 May, 169.
Kassoguè, A., M. Komota, J. Sagara, and F. Schutgens. 1996. A measure for every site: Traditional SWC techniques on the Dogon Plateau, Mali. In Sustaining the soil: Indigenous soil and water conservation in Africa, edited by C. Reji, I. Scoones, and C. Toulmin, 69-79. London: Earthscan Publications.
Nganda, Benjamin M. 1998. The equity objective in Kenyan health policy: An interpretation. Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review, 14, no. 1 (January): 65-89.

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eISSN: 1684-4173
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