Editorial Team
2. The EASSRR publishes research articles in the social sciences that contribute to scholarly dialogue on the economic, social, political, and related problems of the region. In addition to their scholarly quality, therefore, the major criterion used for selecting the articles to be published in EASSRR is their contribution to the growth of knowledge about the region.
3. Because OSSREA is a regional organisation, priority will be given to articles that deal with the problems of the region or of countries within it. However, articles concerned with other parts of Africa as regional groupings or individual countries may also be considered for publication so long as they have scholarly merit and provide comparative insights.
4. All articles submitted to the EASSRR will be refereed by at least two scholars of proven competence in the particular field/s. However, the journal’s editors shall make the final decision regarding publication.
5. The responsibility for the views expressed in the articles that appear in the EASSRR is solely that of their authors and not that of the editors or of OSSREA.
6. The EASSRR does not accept articles and other contributions that have previously been published or are currently under review by other journals.
7. Articles submitted for publication in the EASSRR must conform to the technical requirements set out in the “Guide to Authors”. It is not the editors’ responsibility to correct style, incomplete references or plagiarism.
8. In addition to the regular issues, OSSREA may publish special issues of the EASSRR that will be devoted to specific themes and based on contributions solicited or selected by the editors.
9. All articles submitted to the EASSRR will be acknowledged, but those not accepted for publication will not be returned to the authors.
10. Authors of published articles will receive two copies of the particular issue and ten off-prints of their articles.
11. The copyright in all the contributions published by OSSREA is retained by the Organisation. 12. OSSREA shall consider the requests of authors to reprint their contributions elsewhere provided that the request is made in writing and the conditions stated in the copyright agreement are fulfilled.
13. OSSREA is opposed to plagiarism, i.e. the use of another person’s ideas or published work as if it were one’s own. The editors will assume that each significant contribution to, and quotation in work that is submitted to OSSREA obtained from other people’s published works or unpublished sources has been attributed, and has been cited and fully referenced. Before final publication, authors will be required to sign a declaration confirming that their work /research report/ book
manuscript is their own, original, and that they will be responsible for any incomplete references that may remain in their work.