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Bilateral recon nailing of comminuted fracture femur in a severely injured patient: Case Report
a 35 year old gentleman who was involved in a head on collision with a saloon car while travelling in the front seat of a public service vehicle. He presented to the casualty department at the Kenyatta National Hospital
(KNH). Injuries identified included almost identical bilateral fracture femur consisting of high subtrochanteric fracture with segmental fracture of the femur shaft. Additionally, there was a left sided mid-shaft fracture of
the humerus. The patient initially underwent open reduction internal fixation of the humerus fracture. Two weeks after the injury he underwent staged recon nailing of both femurs. The two nailing procedures were
staged by a week. The patient was mobilized from bed to chair post-operatively. After 4 weeks from the last surgery he was gradually mobilized full weight bearing with a walker. At 4 months follow-up he was walking full weight bearing without support. Recon nails can be employed successfully to treat complex fractures of the femur shaft.