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Prevalence of HCV and HCV/HIV co-infection among in-patients at the Kenyatta National Hospital

JW Karuru
GN Lule
M Joshi
O Anzala


Objective: To determine the prevalence of HCV and HCV/HIV co-infection among medical in-patients at the Kenyatta National Hospital.

Design: Prospective cross-sectional descriptive study.

Setting: Kenyatta National Hospital, a tertiary referral and teaching hospital, in-patient department.

Subjects: HIV/AIDS and HIV negative in-patients at KNH medical wards.

Results: Among 458 HIV/AIDS medical in-patients, the prevalence of HCV was 3.7% while in the 518 HIV negative patients, it was 4.4%. The prevalence of co-infection with HCV and HIV was 3.7%. The incidence of risk factors in persons with HCV and/ or HIV infection(s) was low.

Conclusion: This study found the prevalence of HCV infection among medical in-patients to be similar in HIV positive and HIV negative group of patients. The co-infection rates were low, as were the risk factors for transmission of these infections.
East African Medical Journal Vol.82(4) 2005: 170-172

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eISSN: 0012-835X