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Hepatosplenic shistosomiasis: a review

GS Kibiki
JPH Drenth
FM Nagengast


Background: Schistosomiasis is a granulomatous disease that is caused by infection with schistosomes. It is a major health threat in tropical and subtropical countries. Due to increased movement, all residents of the universe are at risk of contracting this infection. The infection goes through several stages, but the most life-threatening form and leading cause of mortality is hepatosplenic schistosomiasis (HSS). It is a chronic complication, which develops as a consequence of inflammatory response. This complication has not been adequately addressed or attended the and as a consequence most of patients presenting with this complication in our settings die.

Objectives: To review literature on hepatosplenic schistosomiasis, to give the state-ofthe- art management of HSS, to give our own experience on management of this complication and hence impart knowledge to medical personnel on HSS.

Data source: Literature is from Medline database and experience from gastroenterology clinics. Our own experience has been blended on top.

Study selection and data extraction: We have selected material, which have been verified and can be applicable in resource poor-countries, where this problem is a major health threat.

Data synthesis: Based on published studies and meta-analyses and our own experience we have been able to draw conclusions on the current understanding of the subject.

Conclusion: Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis is a deadly complication and occurs mainly in poor countries. Regular reviews and updates of our knowledge is important to enable stakeholders of health sector understand the problem and develop strategies on its management.

East African Medical Journal Vol.81(9) 2004: 480-485

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0012-835X