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Multiple supernumerary teeth in association with malocclusion: report of two cases

P. M. Ng'ang'a
S. W. Guthua
R. N. Ng'ang'a


Objective: To determine the size, course, distribution and anomalies of the middle cerebral artery in adult Nigerians.

Design: A retrospective study.

Setting: Department of pathology, University College Hospital, Ibadan between April and September 1999.

Subjects: One hundred middle cerebral arteries from patients' asymptomatic for central nervous system lesions, obtained at autopsy from fifty adult Nigerians were examined.

Results: The MCA arose as the wider of the two terminal branches of the internal carotid artery (ICA). Its mean diameter was 3.49 mm (CI = 3.39 - 3.59mm), while the mean predivision length was 15.43 mm (CI = 14.59 - 16.27mm). In 92% of specimens, the first branches were perforators. The early branches were destined solely to the temporal lobe pole in most hemispheres (85%). In most specimens, (81%) the main trunk bifurcated while in 13% it trifurcated. One accessory MCA, and the early branches were given off before the perforators in two middle cerebral arteries, making an incidence of anomalies of 3%. There was no aneurysm.

Conclusion: These results are similar to what has been described in the literature for Caucasians. It buttresses the assertion that anatomical anomalies of the MCA are rare. The rarity at autopsy of aneurysms of the MCA in asymptomatic Nigerian Africans is not explained by the gross morphology of this vessel.

(East African Medical Journal: 2002 79(4): 221-223)

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