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Multiple drug resistance in Urinary pathogens at Gondar College of Medical science hospital, Ethiopia
Design: cross-sectional study>
Setting: Gondar College of Medical Sciences teaching and Referral Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, between January and October 2000.
Subjects and Methods: Mid stream urine samples from 420 subjects were studied by quantitative culture method. Designed Questionnaires were used for data collection on the previous use of antimicrobials, catheterisation and hospitalisation.
Main outcome measures: Rates of multiple drug resistance and the associated factors.
Results: Multiple drug resistance was common in the isolates tested against ten antibiotics showing more than 68% of the isolates being resistant to two or more antimicrobials. Significant variables associated with this were found to be urinary catheterisation, hospitalisation and previous use of antibiotics for urinary tract infection.
Conclusion: The rate of multiple drug resistance was very high in this study. Probable contributing factors were found to be previous antibiotic exposure, urinary catheterization and hospitalisation. Reduction of hospital stays and catheterisation, aseptic care of catheterised patients and selective use of antibiotics and strict follow up of hospital disease controls are recommended.
(East African Medical Journal: 2002 79(8): 415-420)