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Platelet function in patients with meningococcal meningitis at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya
Results: Fifty seven patients (41 males and 16 females) with meningococcal meningitis were studied. Their mean age was 25.5 ± 8.32 years with a range of 15 to 45 years. Five patients had purpura, four peripheral gangrene, eight conjunctival haemorrhages and one was in shock. There was a statistical significant difference in the platelet aggregation and clot retraction between the patients and controls at p-values of 0.0001 and 0.0002 respectively. There was no significant difference in the platelet count and adhesiveness between the patients and the controls at a p-value of 0.203 and 0.22 respectively. No association was found between the platelet functions and the clinical presentations.
Conclusion: Patients with meningococcal meningitis have abnormalities in the platelet functions mainly in aggregation and adhesiveness.
(East African Medical Journal: 2002 79(8): 405-407)