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Determination of vectorial potential of Mansonia species in the transmission of Wuchereria bancrofti in Tana-Delta District, Coast-Kenya
Objective: To determining the potential of Mansonia species; Ma. africanus and Ma. uniformis in the transmission of W. bancrofti.
Design: Cross sectional study.
Setting: Villages in Tana Delta district, Kenya.
Subjects: In-door collected mosquitoes.
Results: A total of one thousand, six hundred and sixty two (1632) female mosquitoes were collected by gravid traps, CDC light traps and Pyrethrum spray methods. Of these, 236 representing 14.5% were identified as Mansonia species. Two filarial larvae of stage two (L2) were obtained from the dissected mosquitoes. Polymerase chain reaction assays did not show any amplified W. bancrofti DNA from the obtained larvae or the mosquitoes.
Conclusion: There was no evidence that Mansonia species play a role in the transmission of W. bancrofti.