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Testing a consensus conference method by discussing the management of traumatic dental injuries in Tanzania
Tanzanian situation.
Study participants: Fifteen dentists as representatives of the profession and two lay people as representative of potential consumers.
Interventions: Presentation of treatment modalities for traumatic dental injuries recommended in western countries.
Main outcome measure: Consensus on the feasibility of the recommended treatment modalities of traumatic dental injuries in the Tanzanian situation.
Results: For most types of injuries, consensus on the feasibility of the recommended treatment methods for Tanzania was reached immediately. More time was spent to discuss management of some injuries where the members felt that the recommended management
regimes for these injuries are not feasible in the current Tanzanian situation. Panel members made three recommendations. First, parents and teachers should be provided with guidelines or instructions about self-care following trauma. Second, teaching on the management of
traumatic dental injuries at training institutions should be emphasised and third, dental practitioners at dental clinics in the country should get continuing education about the management of traumatic dental injuries.
Conclusion: The methods for achieving consensus were useful in the Tanzanian dental situation, therefore it is recommended that the methods be adopted to reach consensus on other oral health issues.