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Congenital scaphoid megalourethra with imperforated anus and pyloric stenosis: A rare case report and literature review

R. Mramba
A. William
E. Balama
H. Maro


Megalourethra is a rare clinical entity of absence or hypoplasia of corpus spongiosum and/or corpora carvenosa or  anterior urethral valve along the pendulous urethra causing enlarged penis as a result of cystic dilatation of this part  mostly during passage of urine. It may be associated with other congenital anomalies such prune belly syndrome and  imperforated anus among others. We present a 10-day old neonate with scaphoid megalourethra associated with  imperforated anus and pyloric stenosis. To the best of our knowledge, wehave limitedinformation on megalourethra in  most parts of Africa but also, we were unable to find out any published report in East Africa regarding this rare condition  especially in association with pyloric stenosis and imperforated anus. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0012-835X