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Hysterosalpingographic findings in infertile women in Aba, Nigeria

L.I. Eweputanna
C. Aluka
O.A.I. Otuka
E. Atuonye
N.C. Ekeleme


Objective: This study highlights anomalies of the cervical canal, uterine cavity, and fallopian tubes detected by hysterosalpingography in infertile women in Aba, Nigeria.

Design: A retrospective descriptive study.

Setting: Department of Radiology, Abia State University Teaching Hospital, Aba, Nigeria.

Result: A total of 144 women aged 22-47 years were seen during the period of study (January 2019 - December 2019). The average age at presentation was 34.6 years. Normal and abnormal HSG findings were seen in 39.6% and 60.4% of patients respectively. Hydrosalpinx (right and left), myoma, and synechiae were the commonest lesions seen in 23.6%, 18.3%, and 17.2% of study population respectively. Of the study group, 29.8% of cases had multiple pathologies.

Conclusion: Tubal factor infertility is the commonest HSG finding in Aba. This results from chronic pelvic infections. There is therefore need for adequate management of pelvic inflammatory diseases and provision of fluoroscopic facilities needed for adequate management of female infertility.

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eISSN: 0012-835X