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Efficacy of Warburgia Ugandensis in chronic bronchial asthma management: A review of the evidence

V. Ngugi
J. Simba
R. Thuo
A.M. Nyabola
A.M. Nyabola
A.M. Nyabola
P. Mburugu
P. Mburugu
W. Karuguti


Objectives: The review was based on the botany, safety and efficacy of W. ugandensis in asthma management.

Data sources: Search of original peer-reviewed articles on W. ugandensis from electronic database was done using key words.

Study selection: Experimental researches were considered.

Data synthesis: The obtained data was verified separately for reliability, any inconsistencies noted were settled through discussions amongst authors, the data was summarized, analyzed, compared and conclusions drawn accordingly.

Results: Warburgia ugandensis reduced Nitric oxide in BALF, inflammatory cells in BALF and plasma ovalbumin specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) in BALB/c mice induced with asthma. It also demonstrated a protective effect to developing airway resistance proven by increase in pre convulsion time in Murine asthma model. With use of Vero E6 cell for cytotoxicity it was proven to be safe for use as its CC50 was >250 ug/ml and LD50 was > 5000mg/kg. There was insiginificant cytotoxicity in BALB/c peritonial cell macrophaged where 3 out of 100 cells died at the concentration of 1000 ug/ml when it was compared to Pentostam as a positive control. Warburgia ugandensis also was non-toxic to Drosophila melanogaster on acute exposure but toxic on chronic exposure.

Conclusion: Although Warburgia ugandensis has anti-asthmatic properties there is need for further validation to augment the findings.

Recommendation: More experimental studies should be done using specific isolated chemical compounds of W. ugandensis to demonstrate its’ anti-asthmatic activity. The specific molecules be used in synthesis of potential drugs for asthma management. Other plant parts should be studied for their anti-asthmatic properties.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0012-835X