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Job satisfaction among clinicians at Homa Bay County Teaching and Referral Hospital

O.K. Tony


Introduction: Job satisfaction among clinicians improves efficiency and increases the productivity of the health care institution.
Objectives: The main goal was to assess the level of job satisfaction among clinicians at Homa Bay County Teaching and Referral Hospital. Specific aims were to investigate the differences in facets of job satisfaction among the clinicians and to compare the level of job satisfaction among the difference cadres of clinicians at the hospital.
Study Design and Setting: Descriptive, cross-sectional study at Homa Bay County Teaching and Referral Hospital, in Homa Bay County, Kenya.
Subjects: Clinicians (Doctors and Clinical Officers) working for the county government and national government. Sampling: 50% of respondents from each cadre was selected, ten doctors and 15 clinical officers totaling to 25 respondents. The response rate was 100 %.
Results: The study results showed that 60% of the respondents were satisfied with their job. 52%, 48% and 16% of the respondents were satisfied with their salary, benefits, and bonuses respectively. The workload was also high. 32%, 36% and 44% of the study subjects were satisfied with the relationship between the pay and performance, working hour flexibility and work environment in that order. Low satisfaction rates were also recorded in career advancement opportunity (12%), job security (32%) and chances for training and seminars (28%). All respondents had positive remarks about their overall manager.
Conclusion and Recommendations: Clinicians at the facility face challenges related to job satisfaction.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0012-835X