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Disaster preparedness in secondary schools in Ruiru Division, Kiambu County, Kenya
Design: Descriptive cross-sectional study.
Subjects: Out of the target population a hundred and twenty (120) respondents were selected from the students, teachers and the support staff. Eighteen key informants snowballed gave information that augmented the study findings
Results: The respondents did not know how to use the first aid kit elements ( = 835.263, p = 0.000, df =1). Lack of knowledge on use of first aid elements was significantly high among the respondents which also reflected lack of skills to manage minor incidences ( =835.1, P= 0.000, df = 1). The respondents confessed the lack of preparedness for disasters in their schools ( = 840.8, P= 0.0, df = 2).
Conclusions: The study was set to find out the Preparedness for disasters in ruirusecondary with an aim of filling any gapthat maybe found by implementing strategies to improve preparedness for ruriru people which should be the way to go everywhere and those in authority to avail the required resources for disaster management.