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Bilateral Orbito-Ocular Gunshot Injury in a Nigerian Male: Case Report and Review of Literature

O Fasina


Orbito-ocular injuries with retained intra-orbital foreign bodies affecting both orbits are uncommon in civilian practice. This case report aims to highlight an unusual presentation of bilateral orbito-ocular injury with retained intra-orbital foreign bodies following accidental explosion of a locally fabricated dane gun. A 30-year-old male presented with a five day history of bilateral orbito-ocular injury sustained following an explosion of a dane gun he was fabricating. There was immediate loss of vision in both eyes, and initial treatment was sought at a nearby private general medical clinic. Visual acuity at presentation was no perception of light and light perception with inaccurate projection in the right and left eye respectively, and he had an open wound over the left cheek with retained intra-orbital foreign bodies on plain radiographs. He subsequently underwent wound exploration and closure with removal of the foreign bodies. Vision however remained poor and he was lost to follow-up after being referred for vitreo-retinal consultation. The attendant socio-economic impact on the individual and family following severe bilateral orbito-ocular injury could be enormous when it results in bilateral loss of vision in a young adult. Measures should thus be put in place to regulate the handling of firearms so as to possibly reduce the resultant morbidity from such injuries.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0012-835X