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Rapid situation assessments of alcohol and substance use among commercial vehicle drivers in Nigeria
Study design: Observational and group interviews.
Setting: Four different motor parks in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Subjects: Data were obtained from a sample of commercial vehicle drivers, community and members of the law enforcement agencies.
Results: Widespread use of psychoactive substances was reported. New trend of local alcohol beverage generally called ‘sepe’ tended to have replaced older ones such as palm wine. All substances of abuse were freely available and openly displayed at motor parks except for cocaine and narcotics. There was poor law provision and enforcement of laws prohibiting sale and use around motor parks or while driving.
Conclusions: This study shows the feasibility and value of conducting rapid assessments among commercial vehicle drivers in Nigeria. One outcome of this study is the development of a guide on rapid assessment of alcohol and other substance use assessment and a measure of brief intervention among them. Presentation of these findings should contribute to increased awareness and improved response from the government.