About the Journal
Author fees
Authors will be required to pay a publication fee of200USD upon acceptance of their manuscript for publication.
Publisher Information
East African Science and Technology Commission, EASTECO
Peer review
EAJSTI uses conventional peer review mode which has the following conditions:
- A minimum of three reviewers per manuscript
- Reviewers selected from a database, organized by expertise
- Reviewers are not required to sign their reviews
- A time deadline for returning reviews
- Reviewers to be reminded a week before the submission deadline
- Authors do not know reviewers' names and institutions
- Reviewers do not know the author’s names and institutions
- Simple, general instructions to reviewers
- Ask reviewers to provide:
- Comments for authors
- Comments for editors
- Grades on individual components and overall quality of the manuscript
- Reviewers are not paid for their work but are issued certificates of appreciation at the end of each calendar year;
Peer Review
During the review process:
- The editors to consider selecting a minimum of three reviewers per manuscript
- A minimum of two responses from the selected reviewers will be acceptable
- The review process is to be kept anonymous, applying double blind policy
- Reviewers should not be limited to only those registered in the database
- There will be time deadline for returning reviews and a reminder before the elapse of the deadline
- Reviewers shall provide a general summary of the review and a detailed section by section review report
- The review process should ensure that manuscripts submitted to the journal contribute to the body of scientific knowledge
- Grades on the overall quality of the manuscript shall be as follow;
- - Accept as it is
- - Accept with minor changes
- - Accept with major changes
- – Decline/Reject
Publication Scheduling
This journal publishes 4 issues in 1 volume a year.