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Survival In Gastric Cancer Patients: Univariate And Multivariate Analysis
second order among all cancers. The aim of this study was to analysis the survival of patients diagnosed with gastric cancer and the factors
which modify prognosis.
Methods: Retrospective study of overall patients diagnosed with gastric cancer registered in the cancer registry center of Research Center for Gastroenterology and Liver Disease (RCGLD), Shahid Beheshti University,M.C, Tehran, Iran, between Dec. 2001 and Dec. 2006 was
done. Survival status of patients was followed by the telephone contact. The Kaplan-Meier statistical method was employed to determine
the probability of survival and log-rank test to compare those. Cox regression was used to determine prognosis factors. P <0.05 was
considered as statistically significant. All calculations were carried out by SPSS (version13.0) statistical software.Results: Of 746 patients,
38.6% are dead. The mean and median survival time was 42.45 and 22.8 months, respectively and five-year survival rate was 25.3%. With
univariate analysis, Age at Diagnosis, surgery treatment, type of first treatment, pathologic stage, tumor size, histology type of tumor,
extent of wall penetration and pathologic distant metastasis were significant prognostic factors related to overall survival time. Tumor size
greater than 35mm (HR=2.12) and have a metastasis (HR=2.04) were found to be the statistically significant poor prognostic factors related
to survival in multivariate analysis.
Conclusions: According to results, early detection of cancer in lower ages and in primary grades of tumor is important to increase patient's
life expectancy.