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Biodemographic And Health Seeking Behavior Factors Influencing Neonatal And Postneonatal Mortality In Bangladesh: Evidence From Dhs Data
increasing the length of births interval and the duration of breastfeed lowering the frequency of births should decrease the risk of neonatal
and postneonatal mortality. Nutrition factor breastfeeding is negatively associated with postneonatal mortality; as duration of breastfeeding
increase the postneonate deaths decrease. Results show that the interaction variable of higher order births and the child is boy has
moderately significant positive association with neonatal mortality. Postneonates residing in Sylhet have exceptionally higher likelihood of
mortality. Although credit for contributing to the lowering of infant mortality has been given to health programs by public health personnel and to the improvement in socio-economic status by social scientists, but in Bangladesh both of these factors are found to influence early childhood mortality. Maternal and child health program as well as public health and nutrition program should be strengthened to provide modern healthcare services to all pregnant women and their infants.