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Equity and utilization of preventive health care services. The case of immunization completion among children 12-23 months in Kagera region Tanzania
the immunization coverage in Tanzania.
Methods: This study used a panel data collected over four survey rounds at a minimum of six months apart to determine the causes of
failure to complete immunization in Tanzania. The data were collected during between 1991 and 1994 in Kagera region Tanzania among
children 12-23 months old. Data analysis was done using Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) version 9.1. Pooled logistic regression was used
to determine the likelihood odds ratio of completing immunization.
Results: The study observed 550 children contributing 1541 children observation rounds across all panels. Immunization coverage was 87.7
percent and factors that significantly (p<0.05) increasing completion of immunization were having more than three under five children,
high mother’s education, being urban, road passable through out the year and high economic status. If head of household was a female
compared to male it significantly reduced the odds of completing immunization.
Conclusions: Strategies to improve immunization coverage have to give priority to households headed by a female, poor and those with
poor access to health care.