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The role of art therapy in neuroscience within the African context: a narrative review with insights from an art therapy session in Kenya

Felix Njoroge
Sharon Mbugua
Christine Ombima
Nicholas Stam


Art therapy has been established as a powerful psychotherapeutic tool that utilizes artistic media to enhance mental and neurological well-being. This has been supported by various neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies which reveal its positive effects on brain function. This review emphasizes art therapy’s potential within the African context, where it could potentially help to address diverse neurological and psychological needs due to its adaptability to cultural nuances and effectiveness in non-verbal communication settings. The review also highlights an art therapy session aimed at addressing grief experienced by healthcare workers. This review also highlights the necessity for expanded educational programs, policy development, and research to integrate art therapy more comprehensively into African healthcare systems. These advancements are crucial for overcoming cultural and resource-related barriers, ensuring the accessibility and efficacy of art therapy within the African context.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2957-4323
print ISSN: 2957-4315