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The Influence of Media Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior: Insights from Two Selected Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania

Salha Silayo
Godson Robert Mtallo


This study analyzed the influence of media advertising on consumer buying behavior at the Saint Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) and the Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) in the Mwanza Region, Tanzania. Specifically, it sought to establish the impact of TV advertising, radio advertising, newspaper advertising and social media advertising on consumers’ purchasing decisions. The study employed the cross-sectional design to establish the relationship between media advertising and consumer buying behavior. A stratified sampling procedure was utilized to select a sample size of 222 respondents within the study area. Data was collected through a survey questionnaire. To establish the effect of each variable, an ordinal logistic regression model was employed. The study revealed that TV advertising and social media advertising exert a positive and significant influence on consumers' buying behavior. Based on these findings, the study recommended that SAUT and IRDP should prioritize allocating financial resources to advertising through TV and social media networks to enhance the admission and alleviate existing financial challenges faced by the universities.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2799-2276