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Assessment of Maternal Health Services Quality at Juba Teaching Hospital, South Sudan

Ezbon W Apary
Dinah Amongin


Background: Client satisfaction is an important outcome of healthcare services and is regarded as an indicator for quality of care. Not much research has been conducted to investigate satisfaction with maternal health care in Sub-Saharan Africa and especially no or little in South Sudan. This study was carried out to assess quality of maternal health services (MHS) at Juba Teaching Hospital, South Sudan.
Methods: This cross-sectional research study was done among women of reproductive age at a time of taking their infants for routine immunization services in June to July 2015. A structured questionnaire was used to gather information by interviewers. The data were analysed using SPSS Statistics v20. The frequency tables were for describing data and chi-square test and logistic regression were used to determine whether there was statistical association of sociodemographic factors with satisfaction with MHS.
Results: Of 207 women, 193 (93.0%) were satisfied with the services. There was statistically significant association of family monthly income with antenatal careand delivery care satisfaction [OR at 95%CI = 8.30 (2.04 – 33.79), p-value=0.003 and OR at 95%CI = 0.12 (0.03 – 0.56), p-value = 0.007 respectively]. Furthermore, there was a significant association of education attainment with place of delivery [OR at 95%CI =3.06 (1.40 – 6.71), p-value = 0.005]
Conclusion: Women were satisfied with maternal healthcare services. Level of education and monthly family earnings were associated with maternity care. Hence, there should be emphasis on the education of women and their earnings.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2520-5285
print ISSN: 2520-5277