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Demonstration of Oestrous Cycle Phases in Rats Using Aqueous Extract of Bougainvillea Spectabilis flower, Hibiscus Sabdariffa calyx and Lawsonia Intermis leaf.

Salomi Sunyarari Simon
Nathan Isaac Dibal
Sani Hyeldima Garba
Joseph Vandi Zirahei
Sunday Joseph Manye
Zainab Muhammad Goni


Methylene Blue is a synthetic dye that is positively charged and binds to a negatively charged components of the cells such as DNA and  RNA present in the cytoplasm, it is a cationic stain, that is used to stain both plant and animal cells. Methylene blue when not properly  managed it could pose serious threat to human’s health and to the environment. The dye is known to be cost effective. Since the stain is  a synthetic dye, it can be harmful and not readily available, and development of natural histological stain is justified if the natural stain is  cheaper, harmless and readily available. Therefore, the aim of the study was to evaluate the oestrous cycle phases in rats using  Bougainvillea spectabilis flower, Hibiscus sabdariffa calyx and lawsonia intermis leaf stains as an alternative to methylene blue. At  proestrus phase of oestrous cycle stained with methylene blue, Bougainville spectabilis flower, Hisbiscus sabdariffa calyx and Lawsonia  intermis leaf showed numerous nucleated epithelial cells and few cornified cells and the cells. At estrus phase of oestrous cycle stained  with methylene blue Bougainville spectabilis, Hisbiscus sabdariffa and Lawsonia intermis stained showed enucleated cells. At Metestrus  phase, all the stains showed leucocytes, irregular cells, enucleated and some nucleated cells. Our findings showed that Hibiscus  sabdariffa calyx stain demonstrated proestrus and estrus phases, Bougainvillea spectabilis flower demonstrated estrus and metestrus  phase while lawsonia intermis leaf only demonstrated estrus phase. Hibiscus sabdariffa calyx can be used as a local stain in researches  that involve mating of rat. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2635-3490
print ISSN: 2476-8316