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Intelligent Vehicle Speed Limiting and Pothole Detection System: A Review
Speed is considered as the major cause of deaths on roads transport. As the speed goes higher, the more the chances of fatalities. Thus, there is a serious concern on speed management. Existing approaches to detect over speeding are not scalable and require manual efforts. It has been observed that potholes are detected but bumps are ignored, bumps are mounted on roads with special purposes and there is need for them to be recognized. It is undeniable that, these limitations need to be solved, hence this literature is aimed at identifying these limitations as research gaps and propose solutions for them. Hence, there is need to develop novel approach towards building a system which reduces the number of accidents due to driver’s negligence of over speeding. Thus, the use of computer vision and artificial intelligence can address the aforementioned problem. This motivates us to vent into this context. This is a review on recent literature on vehicle speed limiting and pothole detection system. It is also organized to facilitate and support the work of researchers of like-minds, who put efforts towards computerizing the outmoded system for controlling speed to a robust design of intellectual speed controlling system based on AI for protection on motorways. The article intensely discovers algorithms for speed limit and pothole recognition powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). The emphasis in this article therefore, are on the three primary metrics of performances for the speed recognition algorithms, vis-à-vis: accuracy, precision and robustness. This article finally identified the gaps in the existing literatures and then discusses a typical workable structural design.