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Prevalence of intestinal parasites among children of Marma Community, Kirikasamma Local Government Area, Jigawa State – Nigeria
Assessing the prevalence of intestinal parasites and potential risk factors in different localities is essential to enhance control strategies. The present study assessed the incidence of parasitic infestation in stool samples among four hundred randomly sampled school age children living along Marma Water Channel, Jigawa State. The study was carried out for a period of 12 months (January to December, 2023). Laboratory parasitic analysis was carried out using zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) flotation technique as described by Ochei and Kolhatkar (2007). It revealed that seven (7) species of intestinal parasites from protozoa (35.66%) and helminthes (64.34%) were identified with an overall prevalence of 3.75%. Positive cases of individual parasites were Ascaris lumbricoides 17(73.91%), E. histolytica and S. intercalatum each with 2(8.69%) and hookworm and Balantidium. coli with 1(4.34%) each at Likori and Madachi respectively. However, Ascaris lumbricoides was the most prevalent helminth with 10(71.42%) in Likori and the least prevalence were hookworm and B. coli each with 1(4.34%) respectively. Infection rate was significantly higher (p<0.05) among male pupils 10(2.50) than female counterparts with 5(1.25). Also, high prevalence was recorded in pupils between 5–10years in the study areas. There was light infection among the subject examined without any alarming signs of parasitic infection. It is therefore recommended that periodic epidemiological investigation should be carried out in order to curtail the potential danger of these parasites to the inhabitants.