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Hepatotoxicity effect of Gongronemal latifollium aqueous leave extract on some biomarker liver enzyme of albino Wister rats

Moses Oluwaseun Abiodun
Anthony Obinna Ekesiobi
Leonard Chikwado Onyenweife
Olatunji Taofik Bankole


Gongronemal latifolium plant has been widely utilized in the treatment of many illnesses and nutritional purposes, however the side effects associated with the consumption of this plant has been greatly neglected due to its therapeutic potentials. Therefore, this study investigated the hepatotoxicity effect of Gongronemal latifolium aqueous leaf extract on the liver enzymes using animal modeling. A total of twenty albino Wister rats were used and grouped into five different groups of 4 animals each and treated with various doses of the plant extract such that group: A serves as control and groups: BE serves as test groups with different doses such as 100mg- 500mg/ of the aqueous leaf extract and the treatment lasted for 21days after which the animals where sacrificed and blood samples were collected through cardiac puncture. The hepatotoxicity effect of the plant was evaluated through examination of the various levels of the liver enzymes in the extract treated groups and compared with the control using the colorimetric method. The results indicated that the activities of the Aspartate Trans amylase (AST), Alanine trans amylase enzyme and Alkaline phosphate shows significant increases for all the concentration at P< 0.005 when compared with the control group. Furthermore, there was a slight decrease in the Alanine Trans amylase level observed at 100mg of the extract. In conclusion the result of this study reveals that Gongronemal latifollium, leaf extract has no significant hepatotoxicity effect on the liver enzyme and its use in human nutrition and therapeutic agent is advised at a lower does.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2635-3490
print ISSN: 2476-8316