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Determination of excess lifetime cancer risk due to gamma radiation exposure in Bompai area, Kano State, Nigeria
This study assessed the levels of gamma radiation exposure and associated excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) in Bompai area, Kano State, Nigeria. Gamma dose rate measurements were taken at 500 points across residential, educational, healthcare, industrial, and commercial sites using Radiation Alert Inspector. The results showed a mean gamma dose level of 17.794×10–3 μSv/hr, corresponding to an annual effective dose (AED) of 380.2×10–6 mSv/yr and an ELCR of 1500×10–6. Comparison with UNSCEAR guidelines revealed that the estimated AED and ELCR values are within safe limits, indicating no imminent health risks for residents. This study provides valuable radiological survey data for the area, highlighting the need for continued monitoring and future research with enhanced methodologies.