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Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in farmland soils of Kumo Akko Local Government Area, Gombe State, Nigeria

Y. M. Usman
H. A,. Pantami
J. A. Ndahi
U. U. Modibbo
Z. A. Abdullahi
A. Yau
E. F. Baka
I.A. Liman


This work investigated the Prevalence and Impact of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) In Farmland Soil within the Vicinity of Kumo, Gombe State, Nigeria. by employing a combination of field sampling and laboratory analysis. The research aimed to analyze the present of the concentrations of POPs in farmland soils using GC-MS. Samples were collected from three different locations and analyzed, their content of POPs per sample area determined the major components present. The results obtained indicated the POPs components of each soil sample. The research revealed that eight components of POPs such as naphthalene with a retention time of 5.02 minutes amounting to a highest composition of 0.004141 ppm followed by acenaphthene with a retention time of 8.82 minutes which showed 0.00395 ppm. Moreover, phenanthrene showed the least concentration of 0.000139 ppm with a retention time of 12.5 minutes. The physical parameters of the farmland soil revealed the mean pH values of sample soil investigated with S3 having the highest value of 6.01 followed by S1 with pH value of 5.95, while S2 showed the lowest pH value of 5.20. This showed that the acidity value increase in the order of S2=5.20 < S1=5.95<S3=6.01 respectively.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2635-3490
print ISSN: 2476-8316