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Advancements in Air Quality Monitoring for Atmospheric Lead (Pb) Detection Using Wireless Sensor Networks: A Comprehensive Review

Gregory E. Onaiwu
Nneka Joy Ayidu


Air quality monitoring is essential for safeguarding public health and environmental sustainability, particularly concerning lead (Pb)  contamination, which poses significant risks to human well-being. This comprehensive review delves into advancements in air quality  monitoring for atmospheric lead detection, focusing on the utilization of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The review traces the evolution of monitoring techniques from traditional methods to advanced technologies, highlighting the transformative role of WSNs in  environmental monitoring. WSNs offer advantages such as real-time data acquisition and spatial coverage, enabling continuous and  widespread monitoring of lead concentrations in the atmosphere. Technological enhancements in WSNs for lead detection, including sensor technologies and integration with IoT and big data analytics, are examined. The review underscores the importance of sensor  accuracy, calibration, and environmental impacts, alongside economic and regulatory challenges in deploying WSN-based monitoring  systems. Furthermore, case studies demonstrate the successful deployment of WSNs for lead monitoring, showcasing their effectiveness  in local and regional air quality management. Comparative analyses with traditional methods underscore the advantages of WSNs in  terms of accuracy, reliability, and scalability. The framework outlines the approach for conducting a literature review, data collection, case  study selection, interviews, comparative analysis, synthesis, and future directions. Recommendations for future research emphasize  the need for advancements in sensor technology and network systems, aiming to address gaps and improve the efficacy of  air quality monitoring initiatives. The implications of WSNbased lead monitoring for stakeholders, particularly in African countries like  Nigeria, are discussed, highlighting the potential to address air quality challenges and promote sustainable development.  

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2635-3490
print ISSN: 2476-8316