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Effect of Pretreating Cattle Dung with Granulated Plantain Peel on Biogas Production
Biogas technology is a way of tackling the increase in the production of organic wastes and rural energy problems in many developing countries like Nigeria. This study investigated the effect of granulated plantain peels on the biogas yield from cattle dung. The volume of gas produced was measured on a 5- day basis, and the pretreated substrate produced 46,151.6 cm3 against 17,224.7 cm3 from the untreated sample. Results showed a 168% increase in biogas produced when cattle dung was pretreated. The flammability test showed that production started on the first day after retention for the substrate pretreated and that an appreciable amount of methane content was produced only on the third to fourth day. In contrast, in the control, production started on the third day, and appreciable methane was observed on the fourth to fifth day. The compression test showed that biogas could be compressed with minimal changes in temperature as the temperature observed amounted to only a 0.19 ℃ rise per bar increase in pressure. The biogas compression experiment gave an accumulated mass of 214 g at 6.34 bar compared to 1000 g at 6 bar for standard LPG refilling. It is recommended that the produced biogas be purified before commencing compression in future works.