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Assessment of chemical characteristics of bottom sediments of Zobe Dam Reservoir, Katsina State, Nigeria

Adesoji .A Ibrahim
Byami . A. Jolly
Mam. D Tawey


Zobe Dam is one of the silted dams in Nigeria. It is located in the Dustin-ma area in Katsina State northwestern Nigeria. The bottom reservoir sediments of the dam were sampled during the bathymetric studies of the reservoir. The objectives are to: determine the status of mineral elements and their distribution; measure the anomalous elemental concentration, as a tool in search for solid mineral deposits; and determine the usefulness of such sediments when dredged out. A total of 15 samples were obtained and analysed at Federal Steel Council laboratory in Kaduna using a Scanning Electron Microscope which was then transferred electronically to EDX that revealed the elemental constituents of the samples in mg/kg. A total of 27 elements were examined, the order of enrichment is Si > Fe > Al > Hg> K > Pb > Ti > Ca > Cd….All the elements were several times greater than the world's mean crustal abundance. The preponderance of these elements could be attributed to the contamination from artisanal mining of polymetallic mineral associations in Jibia, Dandire, Mallam Tanko Kafur, Dutsin-Ma and other areas within the State; as well as the anthropogenic factors like organic fertilizer application by farmers. It is recommended that the erosion of sand into the dam be checked through the planting of trees and other environmental conservation practices.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2635-3490
print ISSN: 2476-8316