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Geochemical investigation of gold and chalcophile minerals of Rawayau Area Katsina State, Nigeria
This present study investigated the Gold and Chalcophile mineralisation potentials of the Rawayau area in Northwestern Nigeria. The aim of the investigation is to delineate the likely Gold and Chalcophile mineralisation occurrences in the study area so as to aid further exploration studies that will identify Gold rich targets worth investing resources for detail exploration project before mining. To achieve this, 17 samples (7 rock samples and 10 sediments) were collected and subjected to laboratory analysis at the National Geologic Survey Agency (NGSA) in Kaduna. The geochemical study showed that the Au concentration ranged from below detection level (bdl) to 0.09ppm in the rock samples, while ranging from 0.013ppm to 0.137ppm in the sediments. Ag concentration ranged from 0.37ppm to 0.97ppm with in the rock samples, while ranging from 0.088ppm to 0.229ppm in the sediments, thus showing a higher concentration in both rock and sediments than Au. Significant positive relationship was observed between Ni, Cr, Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn and Co from the correlation analysis. It also revealed a subsurface increment of Gold and Chalcophile concentration of Nickel, Copper and Zinc with higher concentration of Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Chromium and Lead in comparison to Gold and Silver. The study concludes that the Rawayau area holds much prospects for Gold and other minerals. It is suggested that further exploratory studies be carried out so as to pave way for the commencement of mining activities in the study area”.