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Evaluation of full-fat and defatted black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) meal as an alternative source of functional feed ingredients

E. M. Afam-Ibezim
A. H. Akinmutimi
M.C. Ugwuene
D. N. Onunkwo
U. K. Oke
R. S. Onabanjo


This research work presents the proximate, minerals and anti-nutritional factors of full-fat and defatted black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) meal. The Black soldier fly larvae was reared and supplied by a commercial company (The Fly Colony, Ilishan Remo, Ogun State), Harvested larvae was dried in an oven at 90OC and milled afterwards using local blender. Milled Black Soldier Fly Larvae meal was defatted using food grade hexane. Results from the proximate analysis showed that full-fat and defatted BSFL meals had appreciable amount of dry matter (96.29% and 92.54%), crude protein (46.03% and 54.53%), and also with high value for ether extract which are 29.91% and 10.81% respectively. The meals also had lower values of crude fibre (6.80% and 6.94%). The mineral analysis showed that the meals had sodium (0.48% and 0.54%), potassium (1.79% and 1.87%), calcium (0.29% and 0.30%), while the micro minerals showed that full-fat and defatted BSFLM had appreciable concentration of iron (874mg/kg and 893mg/kg), zinc (97.67mg/kg and 114.80mg/kg) and copper (34.59mg/kg and 46.41mg/kg). the anti-nutritional factor constituents of full-fat and defatted BSFLM showed that phytate concentration was (0.09% and 0.17%), tannin (0.12% and 0.24%), haemagluttinin (39.74HU/mg and 55.37HU/mg) and trypsin inhibitor (11.68TIU/mg and 18.70TIU/mg) respectively. This study showed that full-fat and defatted BSFLM can be good sources of protein, ether extract, carbohydrate and minerals. Therefore, these meals can be exploited as commercial source to supplement livestock feedstuff.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2354-4147