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Effect of incorporating Zamarke (Sesbania rostrata) as a green manure on some soil physicochemical properties in Sudan Savannah Zone, Aliero, Kebbi State Nigeria

Aminu Muhammad
A. R. Sanda
Naziru Shuaibu
Yusuf Jubril
Ramatu Idris


A Field experiment was conducted at the University Botanical Garden, in Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Aliero local Government area, to evaluate the effect of incorporating Sesbania rostrata as a green manure on the early growth of maize (Zea Mays L.). The experiment consists of four treatments; Control, Green manure (Sesbania rostrata), NPK Fertilizer (20:10:10) and intercropped Sesbania plant (as T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively) that were fitted into Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and replicated three times. Results from the experiment indicated that the most effective practice on germination count (%), plant height and leaf area of the Maize plants, in most cases at latter stage of the growth was found with T2 (Green manure) with 90.27% at 15 DAP, 22.88cm, and 11.60cm2 respectively, and T3 ranked the second with 82.34%at 15 DAP, 18.70cm and 18.80cm2 respectively. However, in most cases, T3 (NPK Fertilizer) gave a similar effect as that of T4 (intercropped Sesbania plant). Germination count (%), Plants height and leaf area were highest with green manure treatment (T2), while the rest, in most cases, were statistically similar. Green manure treatments gave highly significant effect on the growth parameters, of 90.27% at 15 DAP, 22.88 cm, 11.60 cm2 for germination count (%), Plants height and leaf area respectively over the control treatment with 81.94% at 15DAP, 8.87cm and 4.77cm2 at the latter stage of growth, while they were unaffected by green manure treatments at early stage that is at 1WAP. Green manure of Sesbania rostrata was found to be the best management practice to be used in improving soil fertility and growth of Maize particularly for the study area. To achieve an increased and sustainable maize production in the study area, with less use of inorganic fertilizers, there is need to adopt a green manure cropping system that is environmentally friendly and can improved nutrient availability to crops.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2354-4147