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Effects of different roofing materials on the growth performance, haematological profile and welfare of broiler chickens

Akinbobola Akinwemoye
Muyiwa Adegbenro
Olayele Ogunnusi


This study investigated the effects of different roofing materials on the growth performance, haematological profile and welfare of broiler chickens. Thirty-six (36) 4-week-old Arbor Acre broiler chickens were randomly allocated to three treatment groups: houses covered with corrugated iron roofs (CIR), (houses covered with asbestos cement roofs (ACR), and (houses covered with tarpaulin roofs (TPR), with 12 birds per treatment replicated thrice at four birds per replicate. The birds were reared for 28 days under controlled conditions, and data on ambient temperature, feed intake, body weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and haematological parameters were collected. Results revealed significant differences (p < 0.05) in the ambient temperatures across treatments. The CIR group recorded the highest average temperature (33.13°C), followed by TPR (28.89°C) and ACR (27.11°C). Growth performance metrics, including feed intake, weight gain and FCR, were significantly lower in the CIR group compared to the ACR and TPR groups, which exhibited statistically similar performance. Haematological analysis showed higher levels of heterophil, basophil and heterophil-to-lymphocyte (H/L) ratios in the CIR group, indicating increased heat stress levels. In contrast, ACR and TPR groups exhibited higher levels of lymphocyte, monocyte, haemoglobin and haematocrit. Due to their high thermal conductivity, corrugated iron roofs resulted in heat stress, reduced growth and impaired haematological parameters. Conversely, asbestos cement and tarpaulin roofs provided better thermal insulation, enhancing growth performance and welfare. It was concluded that roofing materials influence the growth performance, haematological parameters and welfare of broiler chickens.

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eISSN: 2354-4147