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Evaluation of some sugar beet varieties using principal component analysis under levels from mineral and nano-fertilizers

M.M. El-manhaly
A.M. Sheikh
F. Amin Omnia
F. Zahran Sammar
M. Mehareb Eid


Nanotechnology is a more innovative fertilizer and new approach that can increase the agricultural production and environmental safety as alternatives to traditional fertilizer. The experiment was conducted at El-Sabahia Research Station, Sugar Crops Research Institute, ARC, Alexandria, Egypt (31o 12 N) during the seasons of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. The experiments involved to study the response of three varieties of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) to foliar application of nano-fertilizer. Field experiment this work included twenty-seven treatments, represent the combinations among three mineral fertilization (40, 60 and 80 kg N/fad and three nano-fertilization (zero, 250 and 500 ppm) and three sugar beet varieties [namely Farida, Malak and Kawmera].A Split-Split plot design with three replications was used. Three varieties were distributed in main plots; mineral fertilization was arranged in sub-plots where sub-sub plots the nano fertilization as foliar application. The results showed that applying mineral fertilizer at the rate of 80 kg N/fed had significant positive effects on Root weight, Root length, Sucrose %, Root yield, Sugar yield, however, the application of 60 kg N/fed led to a significant increase in leaf weight, leaf length, leaves yield. Malak variety surpassed the other varieties significantly in Root weight, Root length, Root diameter and Root yield. While Farida variety gave the highest values of Sucrose %, purity % and Sugar yield. Increasing nano-fertilization level to 500 ppm resulted a significant increase in leaf weight, Root length, leaf length, Root diameter, Nitrogen content in leaf, brix, Sucrose %, purity %, Sugar yield, by contrast, the application of 250 ppm led to a significant increase in Root weight and Root yield. The combination between that applying mineral fertilizer at the rate of 80 kg N/fed with nano-fertilization at the rate of 500 ppm for Malak variety gave the highest means of root yield. However, Sugar yield recorded the greatest value with the same combination (mineral fertilizer at the rate of 80 kg N/fed with nano-fertilization at the rate of 500 ppm) for Farida variety. Biplot-Principal component analysis showed that sugar yield was significantly and positively correlated with Sucrose % followed by juice purity %.Was significantly and negatively correlated with juice purity percentage. It could be recommended that, the use of nano-fertilization at rate (500ppm.) With mineral dose, (80 kg N/fad) application on some sugar beet led to increase yield and quality comparison with minerals fertilizers alone.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2354-4147