The requirements for submission of articles to DOKITAare in accordance with the “Uniform requirements for manuscripts” (the Vancouver style) as revised and published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in the British Medical Journal (BMJ 1991; 302; 338-41). All papers should be submitted in duplicate original script (No carbon copies). Double spacing with ample margins is desired throughout the text except for quotations. The manuscript should have the following components each of which should begin on a new page in the following sequence:

1.Title page with the full title of the paper and the authors’ full names and highest academic degrees and departmental institutional affiliations.

2.Running title of not more than 40 characters (letters and spaces included) and the name, address of author responsible for the correspondence about the manuscript.

3.An abstract or summary of 150-250 words stating the objectives, methods, results and conclusion of the paper. Below the abstract, list in alphabetical order three to eight key words for cross indexing using terms from the medical subject headings (MeSH) list of indexmedicus.





8.Legends for illustrations.



References are numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Arabic numerals in parenthesis are used. Abbreviations for journal titles should be those adopted by the index medicus. “Unpublished observations” and “personal communications” may not be used as references but may be inserted (in parenthesis) in the text. Papers accepted but not yet published may be cited with the journal designated and “in press” added. Use the style of examples given below. (Note the punctuations and spacing).

1.For standard journal articles: Author’s (Authors’) last name(s) with initials, title of article, name of the journal (italicised), year of publication, volume in Arabic numerals (with number in parenthesis) and the number of first and last pages. Eg; Akinkugbe O.O. Nephrology in the tropical setting. Nephron 1978; 22:249-252. If there is more than one author, list all except they exceed four. Wherein more than four are given, list the first four, then follow with‘et al’.

2.For books: Author’s (Authors’) last name(s) and initials, full title (italicised), edition, place of publication, publishers and year of publication. Eg; Adetuyibi A.A. Companion to Clinical Medicine in the tropics. London; Macmillan 1980. If the author(s) is/are (an) editor(s), ‘(ed.) or (eds.)’ should be indicated after the name(s) and initials.


Tables should be numbered consecutively in Roman numerals in the order of their first citation in the text and should each have a brief title. They should be referred to in the text but set out on double spaced sheet separate from the text. Explanatory notes should be placed in the footnotes and not in the heading. Do not use internal, horizontal and vertical rules. Ensure that each table is cited in the text. Illustrations should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and should be submitted in duplicates. They should be good quality or mounted glossy photographs and positive prints. Drawings should be black Indian ink on white paper/background and in a finish state suitable for reproduction and legible enough for suitable reduction. Authors should carefully examine recent issues to ascertain the width of columns. Coloured illustrations would be published out only at the expense of the author(s). Legend for illustrations should be typed double-spaced on a separate page with Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations. A key explaining any symbols used in the illustrations must be included in the legend. Credit must be given for previously published illustrations.


Electronic copies of manuscripts accompanied by a letter signed by all co-authors addressed to:

The Editor-in-Chief,
DOKITA Editorial Board,
Alexander Brown Hall,
UniversityCollege Hospital,

The articles can be sent by email to

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1116-0020
print ISSN: 0046-0508
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