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Knowledge and attitudes towards the use of arvs among adults in Dodoma
To assess knowledge and attitudes towards the use of ARV drugs among adults in Dodoma urban district
Study design
Descriptive, cross-sectional community based study.
Setting: Dodoma urban district
A total of 254 adult residents of Dodoma urban were interviewed in which 96.9% and 90.2% of male and female respectively interviewed were aware of ARVs. Also, majority of respondents (75.6%) reported to be getting information through the media such as television, radio and magazine. About 84.9% of males and 82.9% of females interviewed revealed taking ARVs
improves life. Most people know that ARVs increase the body immunity and improve the quality of health among people living with HI-Virus.
Conclusion & Recommendation:
- This study shows that most people are aware of ARVs
- Most of the respondents got information on ARVs from the mass media
- Few respondents declared that ARVs treats HIV/AIDS; this shows that people know that there is no drug treatment for HIV/AIDS.
- More education should be given on ARVs
- E orts should be made to increase the number of the centers that test and dispense drugs to cover countrywide in order to make treatment readily accessible.
- More and cheaper generic drugs production should be encouraged in our local laboratories and/or pharmaceutical companies.